Friday, 19 July 2019
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
The Scottish Natonalists Eire is Better than Scotland because Scotland is not Independent pack of lies
We have all seen posts like the one above on Social Media and as always are merely deliberate misinformation made up to deceive by comparing things that are NOT "Like for Like" otherwise known as "Cherry picked statistics" to simply deceive the gullible reader willing to accept them as "truth" without actually delving deeper to see if they are actually "Fact" or not. In this case they are clearly NOT. The notes below explain why Eire GDP is hugely artificially higher than it really should be if it were merely based on Eire's own assets rather than other Multinational companies assets being registered in Eire for Tax reasons alone. As well as the two notes below more explanations can be found on the link below. at
NOTE 1 "The Eire Government doesn't have to spend billions on a health service. Everyone pays to have private health insurance. You have to pay to have your weekly rubbish emptied. The cost of living is just scary. Social Welfare payments for unemployed people are about 200 Euros a week. Which sounds great, but the price of food and utilities is very high. They haven't experienced mass immigration like some countries have over the last 50 years or so. Ireland's population, compared to the UK , is tiny. There are huge swathes of areas where you will see 5 and 6 bedroom houses, standing on their own land. People build houses for themselves like this in Ireland. Also, the population is quite young. There are more young people than elderly. My son's 90 year old gran has been in a nursing home for the past 12 months. It is paid for by her private medical insurance that she paid her entire working life. Up here in Northern Ireland we call it Rip Off Republic. The cost of houses is eye watering, although I think they have come down in recent years"
NOTE 2 Anyway, in the case of Ireland, the measurement of GDP is significantly distorted by the composition of the Irish economy, whose measurement is particularly volatile due to the corporate tax policy of the country, and how GDP is measured. If you took the numbers at face value, it's GDP grew by 26.3% in 2015 (FT, 2016) which is hilarious. If you actually dig into why the statistic is that way, you'll notice that it stems from multinationals domiciling their assets in Ireland (be it IP, planes to be leased to airlines and corporate tax inversions). As these capital assets are now "Irish", the numerator in the GDP PPP per Capita calculation balloons, even after how you adjust for cost of living, and when you combine it with Ireland's low population you have a high GDP PPP per Capita.
Does this actually reflect living standards in Ireland? Probably not. Those planes, corporations etc. don't really have anything to do with Ireland (little to no local employment for these assets, proportionally low level of tax paid so doesn't generate a lot of tax revenue for the government to spend on services etc.), Ireland is just where they're registered. Hence their GDP measurements are particularly quirky to the point of uselessness.
( Norway's GDP is inflated purely due to having huge Oil Revenues that are 2.5 times higher than Scotland's )
Here we have yet another Nationalist Fantasy Meme list of invented bollocks , take a look and then we will go through them one by one further below
The first piece in the deception here is of course that both of these are exactly the same thing, High Street shops are "Businesses" , this is a common trick in Nationalist memes to simply make the list of invented grievances even longer than it needs to be.
Eire's GDP Growth is corrupted falsely by foreign multinational companies buying new assets and listing them against Irish Headquarters for Tax reasons this distorts the Eire true GDP Growth figure. A deliberately misleading comparison from the meme Liar
"Anyway, in the case of Ireland, the measurement of GDP is significantly distorted by the composition of the Irish economy, whose measurement is particularly volatile due to the corporate tax policy of the country, and how GDP is measured. If you took the numbers at face value, it's GDP grew by 26.3% in 2015 which is hilarious. If you actually dig into why the statistic is that way, you'll notice that it stems from multinationals domiciling their assets in Ireland (be it IP, planes to be leased to airlines and corporate tax inversions). As these capital assets are now "Irish", the numerator in the GDP PPP per Capita calculation balloons, even after how you adjust for cost of living, and when you combine it with Ireland's low population you have a high GDP PPP per Capita" .
Does this actually reflect living standards in Ireland? Probably not.
Eire's GDP Growth is also too corrupted falsely by foreign multinational companies buying new assets and listing them against Irish Headquarters for Tax reasons this distorts the Eire true GDP Growth figure. Another deliberately misleading comparison from the meme Liar
If you took the numbers at face value, it's GDP grew by 26.3% in 2015 which is hilarious. If you actually dig into why the statistic is that way, you'll notice that it stems from multinationals domiciling their assets in Ireland (be it IP, planes to be leased to airlines and corporate tax inversions). As these capital assets are now "Irish", the numerator in the GDP PPP per Capita calculation balloons, even after how you adjust for cost of living, and when you combine it with Ireland's low population you have a high GDP PPP per Capita" . Those planes, corporations etc. don't really have anything to do with Ireland (little to no local employment for these assets, proportionally low level of tax paid so doesn't generate a lot of tax revenue for the government to spend on services etc.), Ireland is just where they're registered. Hence their GDP measurements are particularly quirky to the point of uselessness
Ireland has both higher Salaries and Pensions because the cost of living in Eire is simply so much higher in Eire than it is in the UK and individuals have also to purchase their own Health Care Insurance as there is NO FREE NHS as exists in the UK, therefore this meme is being deliberately dishonest by not comparing "like for like" or even attempting to explain why the differences in costs exist. Simply More Deliberate Deceit from the Nationalist Meme Liar.
See the following text from
"The Eire Government doesn't have to spend billions on a health service. Everyone has private health insurance. You have to pay to have your weekly rubbish emptied. The cost of living is just scary. Social Welfare payments for unemployed people are about 200 Euros a week. Which sounds great, but the price of food and utilities is very high. They haven't experienced mass immigration like some countries have over the last 50 years or so. Ireland's population, compared to the UK , is tiny. There are huge swathes of areas where you will see 5 and 6 bedroom houses, standing on their own land. People build houses for themselves like this in Ireland. Also, the population is quite young. There are more young people than elderly. My son's 90 year old gran has been in a nursing home for the past 12 months. It is paid for by her private medical insurance that she paid her entire working life. Up here in Northern Ireland we call it Rip Off Republic. The cost of houses is eye watering, although I think they have come down in recent years
Another deliberate deceit here , Scotlands taxes do NOT go to London , they are merely "Collected " by HMRC at the Scottish HMRC Tax Centre at East Kilbride in Scotland and most are then passed directly to the Scottish Government at Holyrood , some are also kept aside by UK Gov to pay Scottish Pensions, Scottish Welfare and Scottish Social Support payments which until the Scottish Government gets its own Welfare payment system set up are being paid to Scots direct from UK Gov rather than Scottish Government. So all we have in the meme is yet another deliberate deception. How on Earth do Scottish Nationalists think Scottish Pension payments and Scottish Welfare Payments get paid if they don't come from Taxes raised in Scotland ? From Scotch Mist ?
A simple search on Google shows that High Streets Shops and Businesses are suffering the same issues as those in the UK , so this statement is simply another Nationalist Lie to try to make Scotland look bad as part of the UK bad , when in fact its not worse than Eire itself.
16 Oct 2018 - Traditional stores are struggling to deal with the challenges ... Significantly for Irish retailers however, 60 percent of this went to foreign retailers.
The economy may be booming, but Irish shops are dying
Another deception , Ireland has no nuclear capability because it simply doesn't have the technical knowledge to be able to build a Bomb, if it did have, perhaps it would have too. So the fact that Eire has no Nuclear Bombs has nothing to do with actual choice its because its a choice that it does not ever have had to make. Scotland on the other is pretty undecided on Trident with "Against /For "more or less split 50/5 but defence of the UK is a UK non devolved power so the Nuclear Umbrella defence covers the whole UK and belongs to the whole UK. So once again just another Nationalist attempt at deception. The Majority of Scots chose to stay part of the UK and adopt UK defence policy.
This is a real funny one as its not that long since the SNP themselves were trumpeting the fact that Scots were in fact Sovereign in Scotland themselves. Simple Logic would explain that Scots are Sovereign in Scotland , English Are Sovereign in England , Welsh are Sovereign in Wales and Northern Irish Are Sovereign in their own Northern Ireland where their own constitutional law alone applies however all these individual countries are legally part of the overall UK by choice so its only logical that where UK issues take precedence then its UK overall constitutional law takes precedence. Nationalists seem to have forgotten that it was the majority of Scots themselves who chose this situation themselves Democratically. However just because Scots are sovereign doesn't make Scotland an Independent State and Scotland legally has many laws that state that fact. See More Here
So once again all we have is yet another Nationalist attempt at deception Scots sovereignty does NOT lie with "English MP's ,The House of Lords and the Queen" at all. " Overall UK Government Sovereignty lies with the Westminster Parliament that Scotland has equal representation in on a % population basis as part of the overall UK. (Scots actually have better representation as Scots MP's represent 90k Scots on average and English MP's represent around 100k English on average but Scot Nationalists don't want to admit that simple fact either.)