Saturday 30 July 2016

The Stolen Scottish Seas and Oilfields Lie

There are multiple versions of this lie online all over the Internet but they all exist on one central myth that Tony Blair and Donald Dewar moved the Scottish Sea border at the time of Scottish Devolution  and England gained Scottish areas of Sea including several Oilfields. (that no-one can name ..hardly surprising when they never existed in the first place )

There are Online Petitions, Youtube Videos, Websites, Meme's all on the same subject.

You have to wonder about the intelligence of anyone starting a petition because they actually believe this ? Or perhaps they simply made it up for the sake of deliberately trying to spread a well known lie for the purpose of creating grievance ?

Yet no one can give the names of the Oilfields stolen.......Why?....because it simply didn't happen

This version is on a Website called  
 and it should surely be obvious to most people that any website that has banners all over the Website offering access to "Top Secret Reports and Scandals" and "Secret Oil Reports" are most likely not secret at all but are simply made up Lies/scams ? 

Needless to say that the "Stolen Seas" article is listed as being "Secret" too with fictitious figures for the value of the "Stolen" Oil....."This unjust act secretly passed, without the consent of the Scottish People took 15% of oil and gas revenues out of the Scottish sector of the North Sea taking £2.2 Billion out of the Scottish economy. This lost revenue is more than the proposed £35 Billion Scottish budget cuts for the next 15 years (£2.16 Billion per year)" It is of course like all the other memes, complete made up nonsense.
So on this website we already have "Secret Stolen Seas", "Secret Scandals" and "Secret Oil Reports " you smell anything suspicious yet ?  

How this particular myth is told from " See this debunking fact and many others on the "Live Red White and Blue Book.

So did Blair move the border and steal Scotland’s Oil?
A quite remarkable Nat meme on social media is the concept that Tony Blair stole some of Scotland’s oil just before devolution to screw the country over. It’s a classic piece of disinformation, implying something that does not exist based on a factual piece of information.
Here’s the claim, which is usually augmented by a line that Westminster stole all the oil in this move:

Okay, so let’s start with the facts:
In 1987, the Civil Jurisdiction (Offshore Activities) Order 1987 defined the border between Scotland and England at sea for civil law. This border kinked northwards from Berwick, within the territorial waters of the UK (13.8 miles out from the land), and then essentially ran parallel out to the end of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the UK (extending out 200 nautical miles from the land). So that’s the yellow line and is only in respect of civil disputes in offshore activity.
In 1999, with devolution approaching, Scotland was set to take over the regulation of fishing from the UK. This was an international obligation due to the Common Fisheries Policy, so it was believed that a boundary that would be more reflective of an international boundary between two states would be applicable. Therefore, the median line approach was used. This is the point of drawing the line so it marks the point that is of equal distance from the land of each territory (in this case Scotland and England)

This approach is the starting line for defining an international boundary between two states, and is a good proxy for an international boundary.
This is the red line, as noted above. As you can see, it lies much further north of the original boundary and, therefore, it’s here that the nat meme bases its claim that Blair stole the oil fields contained when the border “shifted”.
The new fishing border was set out in the Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order 1999.
This order had two effects: firstly to define Scotland for devolution purposes within the (13.8 mile) territorial waters (this was the same as the 1987 border) and to define the border for fishing in the EEZ, and it was here that the median line approach was used.
So, where is the reference to oil in the Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundary Order?
There isn’t one, so how can anyone claim that oil was stolen? Indeed, as a reserved issue, oil had no application to the fishing boundary, which confirmed by the government at the time.

So, who applies the fishing boundary to oil? Well the Scottish Government through GERS and this is mirrored by HMRC when they later produced their hypothecation of Scottish tax revenue. It’s worth making it clear that the Scottish Government are free to choose (or change at any time) the border used for geographic allocation of oil between Scotland and England. However, in their wisdom they have used the accurate median line approach and this is agreed by HMRC in their own independent analysis of the hypothecation of taxation.
So, did the UK government move the border for oil? No, not at all. The border didn’t even move. Scotland simply has two borders between the outside of our territorial waters and up to the EEZ. One for fishing and another for civil jurisdiction, which a cursory glance at the Scottish Government website would tell you.  AS can be see here on  the Scottish Governments very own website.  So No Seas were stolen nor Oilfields Stolen and therefore NO stolen Oil Revenue either.  

Check Scot Gov website !!

Twitter thread here where Craig Murray is exposed deceiving people

Here are the two links that were posted in that exchange.

and here is the record from it being discussed in the House of Commons

So it IS very clear that this issue WAS discussed in Parliament where our Laws are made and that
Craig Murray has just been trying to continue the conspiracy theory that it wasn't. Nationalists caught deliberately deceiving yet again ? The facts are clear so why do Nationalists have to so deliberately lie about them ?


Here we go again with a meme sowing the Seeds of Invented Grievance where they simply don't exist, the McCrone  report was never a "secret" or a document ever planned for Public publication in the first place, it was merely an internal Scottish Office Document for Scottish Ministers , therefore there was no suppression nor any attempt to stop it being published or attempts made to ever keep it "secret", therefore really nothing to hide, you can see McCrone himself explaining what the document was on this link.

Pay particular attention to what he tells you on the costs of running Scotland's finances. (Expenditure).
Oil is only worth recovering if it costs less to recover and process than it can be sold on the open market for potential profit. 


More on the McCrone report can be read here 


More Stolen Oil memes Debunked here 40 Years of Stolen Oil and other Fairy Tales   





The 40 Years of Stolen Oil Revenue Lie.

               How many Nationalists seriously think this sort of  Childish rubbish is true ? 

The Big Scottish 40 years Stolen Oil Lie  made up by Activists trying to control stupid or ill informed people. (The same way it really has been for 40 Years from deceitful Nationalists)  

Clearly designed to suggest  Scotland is somehow being robbed but strangely no one in the actual Scottish Government is saying or has ever said anything of the sort. This sort of made up propaganda is invented by either people who are too stupid to know any better or people who do know better but are merely just trying to spread lies with the aim of being able to corrupt the real fact of the matter.  
The truth is much simpler , Scotland being a rural economy and a fairly small population spread out sparsely over a large area of land makes Scotland a costly country to serve to provide things like Doctors , Ambulances, Fire Engines , Hospitals, Waste Disposal, etc. The more rural and remote these areas are the more it costs to provide services to them ,  even more so when you consider the Scottish Highlands and Islands in the far North and North West of Scotland. Think of the long distances Ambulances need to travel to reach people and the often need for emergency services for these particular areas to require a Helicopter service and its maybe easier to understand how it costs more to do than doing the same thing in a more densely packed Town or City where there are many more people living per square mile than in the more remote parts of Scotland.
So in the Graph above the Green dotted line is the amount it costs for Scotland to break even and cover its own "cost to serve" expenses of serving its own population. In the early 1980's when both the Oil price was very high and Oil producing operations were in shallower waters of the North Sea profits were at their highest (as can be seen from the graph) and therefore Government Oil Revenues (Taxes on Oil Profits) were at their best. It can be seen that in the late 1970's and early 1980's Scotland produced good profits from Oil, easily covered its own costs and also contributed well to overall UK Government funds. Unfair many say .."we are being robbed" say others.  Well see what happens in 1986 and 1987 ? Profits are virtually just enough to pay our own costs and no more. 
Then we move into the period of 1989 to 2005 Oil prices are much lower, therefore Government Oil tax received throughout those periods are much less, so much less that they aren't enough to contribute towards paying our way to cover our own costs and the shortfalls can be see to fall well short of the "break even line" , in these years Scotland has not had to drastically cut its provision of services because the Westminster Government stumps up the cost to "make up"  the "spending gap"involved  thus allowing us to continue to keep on living in the manner we were doing in better Oil Revenue periods. This process of sometimes contributing to Westminster and at other low Oil Revenue times Westminster then contributing to us back is known as "pooling and sharing". If we didn't have it we would be living in very changeable swinging financial situation of  either boom or bust, with good income sometimes and at other times far far less than we need to meet and to pay for the services we have becomes accustomed to. 

A very important point to note is that if you take the parts of the graph from above the green line (where we contributed to UK Westminster finances) and try to fit them into all the "gaps under the break even green line" (where UK Westminster finances contributed back to us) it can be seen that there are not enough "positive funds" to fill all the "negative gaps" anyway , which demonstrates that Scotland hasn't been getting "robbed blind " for 40 years at all, nothing like it. 

(There are still some years missing from the Graph here pre 1981 that contribute but not much at all but still means that right now in  2016 Scotland is still "in the Green" as far as "Pooling and Sharing" is concerned but it can be seen that its not greatly so and right now in 2016 we are heading into the worst situation with Oil Revenues that the UK Oil Industry has ever known. You can see we are in well negative territory just now and things are expected to get worse until 2021/2022 at which point it will be clear that Scotland over the 40 year period will have been actually an overall  net beneficiary from the UK government, so how so many people can try to make out we have been "robbed" in quite obviously completely ridiculous.
An article from  around  Scottish Referendum  time in 2014 from an Oxford Economics Professor explains that situation too, it can be found by clicking here  
More on "Pooling and Sharing"and on real issues of Scottish Finances  can be found here  

Anyone not familiar with the Highland and Island terrain or in understanding the costs of providing services to those areas might find this article useful

“But what cannot be ignored in the wake of this report is how the SNP used North Sea oil to sell a lie to the people of Scotland.”
"The fall in oil prices demonstrates just how crucial that relationship is financially: Scotland was able to weather that downturn because of the UK’s broad shoulders.

"Tax revenues from the North Sea collapsed, but funding for Scottish public services remained unscathed. That is how our union works: we share each other’s successes when times are good, and shoulder each other’s burdens when times are tough."

There are another good debunking of "Stolen Oil Money" memes here too , well worth having a look at to understand the myth and the lies within them. 

The Lie is :-

The Truth is :-

Don't forget to read the whole esplanation via the provided earlier link
New: Yet another recent attempt at trying to create yet another "grievance" story from stolen or hidden Scottish Oil Revenues and other "Exports" within " Scotland's reported GDP" figures is debunked here 

The "Stolen Seas and Stolen Oilfields"  and  "The McCrone Report"  Myths

The Whisky Export Tax Lie invented by Paul Kavanagh aka the Wee Ginger Dug can be found on this link  


Understanding the Basics of Scottish Government Oil Revenues 


Six Lies on Scottish Governments GERS figures 


The latest Nationalist meme on Oil is now being circulated by all the usual "Useful Idiots ", what its trying to suggest is that Scotland only gets a "population based share" ie "8%" of UK Oil Revenues , the problem here  is for Nationalists is that the SNP led Scot Gov's very own website tells them clearly that Scotland gets its "Geographical Share" of  Oil Revenues ..its what "Geographical " means NOT per population percentage at all. So what Scotland gets is ALL our own  Oil Revenues both on Scotland's land and Seas. 
