Tuesday 6 September 2016

The "What we can/can't afford" meme lie

More False Propanganda ...as always. Surprise Surprise.

Thing's we CAN'T afford  A false sweeping statement based on a list of things most of the population would like to see more of. However the statement is clearly false because we can and do afford all of them already.  In fact in 2016 the Tory Government raised the amount of funding in the NHS in the rest of the UK but the Scottish Government chose not to raise funding to the Scottish NHS to the same level as in England.
Yes we would all like increases in services when the country can afford them but just to say we can't afford them at all is clearly ridiculous and a false statement.
Note that the meme moans about not being able to afford investment in "Public Transport" and yet then goes on to complain about the cost of HS2 "Public Transport" infrastructure in the "bad things" things list afterwards..clearly poorly thought out (and completely wrong).

Thing's we CAN afford

"Unregulated Banks ?"  This is simply a false and uneducated statement from someone who is just parroting propaganda they hear from SNP and other policitian's playing the invented grievance game.
Take RBS for instance, RBS was actually helped to ruination by FM Alex Salmond and another prominent Yes supporter Mathewson who recruited Fred Goodwin and encouraged his reckless Inernational Bank takeover spree, in fact it was really a bank failure "Made in Scotland"  more than in "Westminster".
 Mathewson is now also now involved in running a Caymans Islands Offshore Tax company). Perhaps the writer of this meme is just trying to blame the whole of the 2008 whole World recession on the Westminster Government ? Ridiculous. More here on The Great recession
More  worthwhile reading on Salmond and Mathewson's recruitment and encouragement of Fred "the Shred" Goodwin's actions in ruining RBS can be found on the link below.
While in the 1990's some Bank regulations were relaxed (even perhaps wrongly with hindsight but with good intentions at the time) to suggest that the Banks were wholly "Unregulated" is simply rubbish. All Banks operating in the UK are regulated constantly by the Bank of England.

"£42 billion for HS2 Railway " Scotland only pays 2% of HS2 with Scot Gov's blessing so the figure quoted is not relative to Scotland. (along with a whole lot of other rubbish we don't pay for that gets continually circulated on Social Media ) http://chokkablog.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/gers-deniers.html 

"£205 billion for Trident"  Another grossly inflated misrepresentation, even on the often quoted CND's  quoted cost of Trident and if you think that CND themselves don't have their own reasons for misrepresenting the cost then you need to have a word with yourself. Trident is a necessary cost of being able to defend the Nation in ALL eventualities if need be. 
" Trident is a bargain compared with the similar time frame cost of the 30 year NHS and Welfare bills "The “£100 Billion cost of Trident” figure carelessly banded about by the CND and the SNP is a shabby propaganda tactic designed to make the cost sound disproportionately large. £100 Billion is a very rough estimate of the entire 30-year lifetime cost of the project. Other govt expenditure is rarely discussed in this way. No one talks terms of the £5 Trillion NHS or the £7 Trillion welfare bill we face if we attempted to estimate their cost over the next 30 yrs. A more rational way to consider the cost, is that our national deterrent will amount to around 0.13 per cent of total government spending. The upfront costs of building the replacement submarines will be around £30Bn, spread over 10 years, and at its peak, never more than 10% of the defence budget, averaging 6% of defence spending overall. Considering that we insure ourselves against nuclear destruction, the Trident programme while not cheap, represents very good value for money."
More worthwhile reading on Trident can be found here http://www.savetheroyalnavy.org/taking-down-the-arguments-against-trident/ 

"Tax Cuts for High earners" and  "11% pay rise for MP's"  SNP in Scotland are passing on the Tory tax cuts in Scotland as well (albeit with a bit of tinkering with bands) so again is a false Grievance as is the "11 % pay rise" moan, MP's pay rises are made by an Independent pay commission without WM intereference and few if any MP's of any party have not accepted it (despite saying otherwise) . In fact Scotlands FM despite being responsible for only a population of 5.5m earns more pay than the PM of whole UK responsible for population 65 m . This whole meme is just riddled with completely false and misleading propaganda.

So ultimately this meme is just another one made up by someone poorly informed with a vested interest in their own cause to try to increase false and misplaced grievance's by misrepresenting the full facts of these matters.

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