Thursday, 21 October 2021

Amy MacDonald Shows Her complete ignorance on truthful Scottish Economics

 Amy MacDonald Shows Her complete ignorance on truthful Scottish Economics 

Lets go through Amy's clueless rants one at a time.

1: The only people who say "Scotland is shite" are Scottish Nationalists themselves just as its Scottish Nationalists who are the only people who say "They think we are too small and too stupid to be Independent" See more on the link  here  The real issue is not that Scotland could not be Independent but of why the majority of Scots would vote for such a thing when it would mean substantially higher taxes paid by every one of us just for the same as we have right now or massive cuts to Public services (or a combination of the two) from the loss of  the Scottish Fiscal Transfer from the UK Government see link.

2: "Why do these folk want us to stay so much ?"  Who on earth are the "folk" she is talking about ?  Scotland had a Referendum on the Independence question in 2014 and it was only people living in Scotland who were allowed to Vote and that Vote was a No majority. It's most likely the people who voted No are numerically far more informed than Amy is.

3: "This Government won't subsidise an extra bedroom for those in need"  Why would any one choose to subsidise people to be able to keep an empty Bedroom(s) indefinitely in their House if on benefits, there is no loss of "subsidy" if bedrooms are being used but only for bedroom "unused". There is a dire shortage of Housing in the UK but meanwhile we often have people on benefits living in Homes with one and sometimes two spare rooms , isn't it right to try to provide an incentive for people not using empty rooms to move to smaller properties and then for those larger properties to go to people with bigger families who really need them more ? (personally i don't think it should be for one spare room but only for 2 or more spare rooms especially as there is a shortage of one bedroom properties for people to be able to downsize easily and there are often family reasons why people might need a spare room for children having to move home instead of ending up on the street for whatever reasons)

4: "...but its happy to subsidise a whole country ?"  Well its not really a "subsidy " at all but just an inherent part of being an equal partner in the larger UK Economic model which means the overall taxes raised in the UK are shared out over the whole UK (Pooling and Sharing) but you can still choose to call it a subsidy if you choose. Its already explained on the earlier link I gave here  and more explanation exists on this article from the IFS extract here " The fiscal transfers made to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (and indeed the North and Midlands and of England) are normal within a fiscal union – but would cease under independence or ‘full fiscal autonomy’. To offset the end of these fiscal transfers, some combination of tax rises or spending cuts would be needed, unless faster economic growth could be quickly delivered in an independence or full fiscal autonomy scenario." More information available on this link here. A further third explanation if needed can be obtained from Fraser of Allander who are the Scottish Parliaments own Economic advisors based at Strathclyde Universites Department of Economics. Fiscal Transfer Explained by FOA  

5: "Absolutely sick of this patronising crap"  Well Amy as shown here the only "patronising crap " comes from yourself due to your own complete lack of any real knowledge on how the UK's and Scotlands economics actually works in the real world and if anyone is sick of "crap "coming from people like you who don't understand how their own countries economics works its people like me who have bothered to make that effort and got themselve's properly informed from reliable sources of information instead of from Sociopaths fake meme's and deliberately deceitful Nationalist propaganda blogs. 

Fraser of Allander also went to the bother of making a Podcast here explaining how Scotlands financial numbers are calculated and why you can trust and beleive them, you can find it  on this link here  they also wrote a blog on how to fully understand Scotlands annual financial numbers which can be found on this link too  

Perhaps by now some people might be asking why the SNP and Scotgreens haven't provided any help for people to understand Scottish Economics if they truly cared so much about you , well that isn't hard to explain , they simply don't want to make it easy for people to understand how real truthful ecoomics works because that would mean they could not lie and con the Scottish nation so easily as they do. Welcome to the real World instead of the invented Fantasy Economics of Scottish Nationalism. 

For extra info. Scottish independence would be 2-3 times more costly than Brexit, and rejoining the EU won't make up the difference | LSE BREXIT  The SNP were happy to spread and share the LSE's previous report on Brexit so why don't the want to talk about the later one by the same people on Scottish Independence ? It should be obvious , Scotland is being deliberately deceived by the SNP and Scot Greens. 

For more detailed Scottish Economic information see here









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